Exhibitors are invited to deliver their own bespoke presentation, one of the best ways to showcase your project, products and services to travel professionals from all over Russia. Pitch sessions will take place on a dedicated open stage with some seats for audience. Translation services will be provided for presentations which will be held in English language. The OTDYKH pitch sessions are free of charge.
WHEN? 14 September 2023, 10:30 - 14:00
WHERE? Direct at the exhibition. Cupola Arena, Pavilion Forum, Expocentre Fairgrounds
- Destination & tourist Routes
- Accommodation
- Technology and services
- Marketing
You may also suggest a topic you feel would be a valuable addition to the program
DURATION: Presentation time must not exceed 20 minutes
Please submit your application with a topic for the presentation to: a.huber@euroexpo-vienna.com Places are limited. Selected presentations will be notified in writing.